Monday, April 13, 2009

The Best Text: Recommendations for FALL 09 Students

Which of the various texts we examined this semester (book, novel or other) meant the most to you personally, either emotionally or aesthetically? Share your comments/opinions/suggestions with the students who are going to take this course in the coming fall. (Anonymous comments will be deleted.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


In the "Comments" below, post a question about any aspect of the novel and the film, focusing on the different treatment they received.

TAKE THE POLLS on the FILM and NOVEL "The Godfather" (see right-side panel)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Post your comments, impressions, opinions about Fred Gardaphe's lecture/conversation.

In a second, separate paragraph, write the TEXT of a question you would ask in the final, connecting Gardaphe's lecture and essay with the course materials. Please, don't start with: "I would ask....." Just write the actual question itself.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

FINAL EXAM: your suggestions

Do you have suggestions for the final exam?


1. short questions on the content of books, texts and films;
2. critical essays on the books;
3. compare/contrast questions on the films.

I welcome (for credit) your ideas for topics for the short essays and compare/contrast section. Please post as often as you wish.

I will select the topics/questions from your suggestions and I will post them ahead of time so that you can prepare at home. In class you will NOT be able to use your notes.

I will add comments to your future assignments with suggestions on how you can turn your observations and insights into viable topics for the final.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gardaphe' on IT AM Lit -- Comments

What are you reactions to Fred Gardaphe's essay now that you have read two of the novels he mentions?

Post a brief comment AND A GOOD QUESTION for him. As I announced he will visit our class next Wed.

Gardaphe's Essay

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"L'emigrante": first reactions and film critique

Please click "Comments" below.

IF you are the first student to post, you will:

1) Indicate ONE theme that captured your attention in "L'emigrante." (A couple of sentences mentioning the theme and why you find it interesting.)

2) Critique of the movie (a paragraph will suffice.)


Starting with the second person to post::

1) Comment the critique of the student who posted immediately before you (a couple of sentences.)

2) Indicate a theme that captured your attention.

3) Critique of the movie (a paragraph.)

Please use the bullet format 1) 2) 3)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Post here your first impressions/reactions to "The Italian".
Read the previous postings and include references to them in your comments.